Thomas E. Deeley

Mr. Deeley is a distinguished member of the data processing industry with a strong background in outsourcing, data center management, performance engineering, benchmarking, IT financial cost accounting, systems and capacity planning. He is a seasoned industry, hands-on, professional in these areas consulting typically to the executive staff of the Fortune 100.

Employment History

Business Performance Management, Executive Associate 2000-‘02
Responsible for outsourcing projects and the vetting of advanced emerging technologies.

Computer Planning & Management Cofounder, 1981-present.

Consultant specializing in the areas of information processing:

§ Corporate Acquisition and Divestiture
Strategic Systems Planning
Infrastructure Assessment, Optimization and Cost Analysis
Expert Witness Analysis & Testimony
Strategic Information Systems Planning
System Risk Assessments
Business Process Reengineering/Re-Design
Outsourcing of Data Processing and Communication Services
Design of Local and Wide Area Networks
Transformation of Organizational Structure and Processes
Hardware Acquisition Analysis & Support
Performance Measurement and Capacity Planning
Network Analysis and Design
Disaster Recovery Planning

The Systems Performance Group, Ltd. Cofounder, 1991 to 1997
Co-founder of a company publishing a monthly newsletter, "The Performance Review", dealing with performance issues associated with IBM and IBM compatible hardware and software. This newsletter was sold in October 1989.

American Management Systems (AMS) Inc.
Corporate Vice President, 1978-1981
Division Executive Vice President, 1976-1978
Division Vice President, 1975-1976.
Consultant, 1971-1975.

Professional and Business Experience





8/78 - 3/81 Corporate Vice President of a publicly held company with $56,000,000 of revenue for 1980. Responsible for the general management of three profit and loss centers generating $13,000,000 of revenue. These three centers consisted of an IBM computer service bureau ($9,000,000), a Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) based time sharing service ($2,000,000) and the largest Computer Output Microfilm (COM) service on the east coast ($2,000,000).

Specific responsibilities included managing the activities of two Vice Presidents and 135 employees engaged in providing services to over 200 clients. Additional responsibilities included strategic planning, budgeting, negotiating all major long- term financial commitments, improving profit margins, developing new services and sustaining a 25-30% growth rate.

Responsibilities also included establishing and operating a large IBM based facility management agreement for the initial computer facility for MCI. This facility management activity included negotiating leases for space and equipment, establishing customer liaison procedures, formalizing a multi-year fixed price bid and staffing the facility.

Provided 'ad hoc' consulting services to the board of directors and top level corporate management of external corporations relative to strategic planning and the evaluation of computer hardware alternatives. Among the companies served were Sun Information Services, Inc., Digital Equipment Corp. and Petroleum Data Corporation (Petrodata).

6/76 - 8/78 Division Executive Vice President responsible for the management of the micrographic profit and loss center and assisting the President of AMS, Charles Rossotti, with corporate projects.

These projects included assuming complete responsibility for conducting a financial and operational analysis associated with two corporate candidates for possible acquisition by AMS. This subsequently resulted in the purchase of a computer service subsidiary of the Maryland National Bank. Once the negotiations were finalized, responsibilities included managing the transition and integration of all business components to the AMS corporate structure. This included disposing of unwanted assets, defining severance terms for those employees not being retained, selling the data entry portion of the acquisition to a third party and absorbing the computer and micrographics components into their AMS counterparts. All these activities were completed within sixty days from the date of acquisition.

Additional projects consisted of assuming responsibility for developing and integrating a new DEC timesharing service into the existing computer services environment. This included establishing a new profit and loss center, staffing the organization, defining the service, evaluating the hardware and software, developing accounting and billing procedures and negotiating the hardware procurement with Digital Equipment Corporation.


For a major telecommunications firm designed the regression test plan of the billing system, including a plan to automate the running of that test plan. Participated in a Risk Analysis study to determine the aspects of the project which were in jeopardy. Participating in a performance tuning of a conversion system to increase throughput by 2 orders of magnitude.


For the executive management of Putnam Securities performed a detailed capacity and performance model (using RMF and SMF data) of the Portfolio management system.


Established and operated a large IBM based initial computer facility for MCI. Activities included negotiating leases for space and equipment, establishing customer liaison procedures, formalizing a multi-year fixed price bid and staffing the facility.


Managed three profit and loss centers generating $13,000,000 of revenue. These three centers consisted of an IBM computer service bureau ($9,000,000), a Digital Equipment based time sharing service ($2,000,000) and the largest Computer Output Microfilm (COM) service on the east coast ($2,000,000). Responsibilities included strategic planning, budgeting, negotiating all major long term financial commitments, improving profit margins, developing new services and sustaining a 25-30% growth rate.


Provided 'ad hoc' consulting services to the board of directors and top level corporate management of external corporations relative to strategic planning and the evaluation of computer hardware alternatives. Among the companies served were Sun Information Services, Inc. and Petroleum Data Corporation (Petrodata).


Conducted a financial and operational analysis associated with two corporate candidates for possible acquisition by AMS. This subsequently resulted in the purchase of a $2,000,000 service subsidiary of the Maryland National Bank. Once the negotiations were finalized, responsibilities included managing the transition and integration of all business components to the AMS corporate structure. This included disposing of unwanted assets, defining severance terms for those employees not being retained, selling the data entry portion of the acquisition to a third party and absorbing the computer and micrographics components into their AMS counterparts. All these activities were completed within sixty days from the date of acquisition


'Turned around' a segment of business (micrographics) losing $48,000 per year on revenues of $300,000. Specific activities included reducing costs, increasing revenues, upgrading production capabilities and instituting a personnel training program. In four years this business grew to $2,000,000 in annual revenues and was generating a profit contribution in excess of $600,000.


Project Manager of a 10 man-year development effort associated with an on-line real estate assessment/billing system. Responsibilities included conducting feasibility studies, coordinating with the user community, project planning, resource scheduling, system design, implementation and quality assurance. This system received two National Association of Counties (NACo) awards for innovative projects in local government and is still in use today.

Publications and Presentations

"A Computerized Planning Model That Management Will Use", Managerial Planning November/December 1970.


"CAI and the Junior College", SIGCUE (ACM) Bulletin Interface, January 1971.


"'A Management Model for College Administration", paper presented at the 18th International Meeting of The Institute of Management Science (TIMS) in Washington, DC, March 1971.


"'Modeling Financial Systems", paper presented at the Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Boston, Ma, July 1971


Advisory Board Member, Business Performance Management, Inc
Board of Directors: James Martin Government Intelligence, Inc.


Board of Directors: Thomas & Elsie Foundation


Trustee: Ferndale Development Corp. Pension Plan


B.S. Mathematics (Cum Laude), Fairfield University


M.S. Computer Science, University of Massachusetts