Systems Management Practice
BPM has extensive experience managing all aspects of the systems life cycle. We have been contracted for such functions as strategic systems planning, risk management, systems management, IT crisis intervention, IT operations management, quality management, and independent validation and verification. A small sample of our staff's recent experience is presented below:
Strategic planning: Under the charter for the President of Bell Atlantic, Telecom Group Systems, developed the strategic systems plan to support the merger of Bell Atlantic and NyNex, forming the 2nd largest telecommunications firm in the world. the plan. Laid out the consolidation of data centers, and surviving systems to accomplish synergy savings in excess of $500 million.
Organizational design Was sponsored by the Director of the CIA, to establish and design a one-of-a-kind, new venture capital company, In-Q-Tel to develop and bring to the commercial market the latest advances in intelligence, knowledge management and security systems. Bootstrapped the operation from scratch and was responsible for program management of several of the firm's major systems development efforts. Also served as the interim CTO and Solutions Transfer Director on a contract basis.
Risk management: Under Charter for the President of Nynex, conducted several risk management engagements. These included gauging the vulnerabilities of new system rollouts, including provisioning systems, network infrastructure, operational support systems, local number portability systems and strategic billing and customer care systems. Developed firm-wide production readiness, risk measurement and 6-sigma level reliability improvement processes.
Best practice benchmarking For the VP of MCI, performed a best practice benchmark of strategic billing systems, projecting requirements for CLEC processing in the telecommunications market. For Fannie Mae, conducted an operations management best practices benchmark, defining practices to support 6 sigma level infrastructure reliability. Conducted another best practices benchmark for Verizon on internet operations management, including codification of best practices used by such firms as HP, eBay, AOL, Cisco, the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), JP Morgan, Bell Atlantic Wireless, and others.
Program management: Contracted to manage several large systems integration efforts for such firms as Fannie Mae- managing the development of trade accounting, mortgage processing, and the centralization of purchasing systems, the CIA- managing the development of advanced knowledge management , e-collaboration, and advanced search and synthesis systems, Prime Computer -- managing a performance certification engineering effort for the configuration of 250 computer installations nationwide.
Operations management: Was contracted to turn around run-away systems operational problems for such firms as Elizabeth Arden, Lucent and Sky Alland. In each of these projects was provided complete operational responsibility to manage through resolution crisis level operational performance problems and return the systems to normal operations, transferring back management control to the client.
Survival systems management: Conducted several survival systems analyses, projects which determined which of competing functional equivalent systems would survive in a merger situation. Conduced such projects for Shawmut National, Connecticut Bank, Bell Atlantic and NyNex.
Expert witness litigation support: Was engaged in 6 separate projects to provide expert witness analysis and testimony related to major failed systems integration projects. Projects involved assessing root cause and responsibility for failed systems and assessment of damages. In one landmark case was selected as the lead expert witness in a $1.4 Billion litigation representing one the nation's largest systems vendors. Supported such firms as Oracle, IBM, Prime Computer, GTE, and AT&T in this capacity.